nanog is a separable game.  it is currently very confused between form
and substance, making committees for everything.  like the bcop thing.
two organizations, nanog and isoc, forming organizational structures to
create a document store.  the ops' doc store is ripe's because the ripe
wgs produced work and someone realized they needed a place to stash it.
so now nanog and isoc need to flag-plant.  the up-side is that it's a
great b-ark, keeps them from doing damage.
> And I would welcome discussion of how ARIN (and nanog) can be more
> like RIPE

i purposefully phrased it a bit differently, how can arin engage, get
real participation from, and serve its community, the operators.  i was
stealing examples from ripe.

but, for concrete action, how about a half day session at the next nanog
meeting on, for example, arin database services, whois and irr.  not to
try to reach hard conclusions or plans.  but to open a dialog to explore
what the community gets and wants from these services and how they are

or pick another key service.


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