> On 27.03.2014, at 22:27, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:
> ...and this is aside from daniel's global measurement empire.  not sure it
> is a registry's job to do this, but it is a serious contribution to the
> internet. ...

there is the  'measurement analysis and tools' working group 
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/groups/wg/mat guiding this work, and it even has an 
'out-of-area' co-chair to emphasize the *globalness* of our empire ;-) :-) :-) 
:-) :-) :-)

seriously: the ripe ncc was not conceived as a "registry" but as an association 
of operators where they can organise common activities that require neutrality, 
expertise and common funding. so whether it is a 'registry job' is irrelevant 
in our context as long as the community agrees it is useful and the membership 
of the association agrees to fund it with their fees. the huge overlap between 
community at large and paying membership keeps this consistent. 


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