Take the S/Ns and run them over by Cisco.

On 3/4/10, gordon b slater <gordsla...@ieee.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 16:46 -0700, Brielle Bruns wrote:
>> fsck is not just for failing hard drives.  fsck is used any time you
>> want to check a disk (may it be ssd, optical, magnetic) for any kind of
>> errors or inconsistencies.  It's a standard part of any UNIX toolkit.
>> On Linux systems with ext2/3, you'll see lost+found, which is where
>> stuff ends up if it can't be connected to an actual file entry.  Sounds
>> exactly like what those FSCK files are - DOS used to do this with
>> scandisk.
> beat me to it by a minute or two :)
> I'd guess (from a *nix-yness background) that the appliance is set up to
> automatically fsck a disk if it's dirty - `dirtiness` can be caused by
> thing like unexpected power cut as well as nasty things like hardware
> troubles. Appliances are prone to "power pulls" as they are usually
> headless.
> Some "diskless" appliances don't even bother to check , somewhat
> dismayingly.
> Not sure what the exact fs is on those boxes - anyone happen to know? -
> but from experience, I wouldn't be worrying too much (though I'd be very
> curious of course).
> Gord
> --
> snort, snort, oink, oink

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***Stefan Mititelu

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