Hello, I apologize if this is an unusual topic but I would like to know what this expert community thinks about this issue: We have noticed that a number of Cisco appliances we have recently purchased and paid (AS NEW), are being shipped as if they have been already used/refurbished. In other words, several times we have seen brand new Cisco hardware, out of the box, that has pre-existing configuration (Interfaces with Private IP addresses, static routes, etc …) and in some cases even non-system files, like ‘crashdump.txt’ or additional IOS images. Most importantly our latest purchase; 2 'new' ASAs, contain a series of files named: FSCK0000.REC, FSCK0001.REC, FSCK0002.REC, etc ... . Based on some research it seems like that these files are 'recovery files' signaling bad/failing hard disks in these appliances. Anyone on thhis group has seen this before and if yes, are we supposed to blindly trust the vendor saying the hardware is new, safe and secure?
The only way I can explain this is that the hardware has been refurbished or previously configured for reasons unknown to me. I think if customers pays for new hardware, they should get new hardware, even if refurbished hardware may be covered by Smartnet. Any thoughts or recommendations anyone? The last thing we want to do is to deploy faulty (or non secure) security appliances in production. :) Thank you Best regards _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/201469228/direct/01/