Kevin Stange wrote:
On 12/14/2009 04:32 AM, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
I'm a robot writing you on behalf of the SORBS' admins. The reason
you're getting this automated response, is our desire to provide you
with consistent and fast responses. I'm prepared to correctly analyze
most of the cases appearing in the DUHL queue.

This last sentence seems to be my point of contention here.  I am trying
to get a /18 removed from the DUHL and every time the robot tells me
some arbitrary ranges I did not mention explicitly are being tested
and/or not eligible for delisting.  Since the ranges not eligible are
configured the same as those that are, I can't figure this out.
Replying to the robot resulted in no response for a month, so I ended up
submitting a ticket via the ISP contact form directly, with all the
information requested, but the first time, someone just pushed my
request back to the robot and it refused ranges again.

This sometimes happens, particularly if the request doesn't come with an ASN and/or no authoritative contact (ie: not from the email used in the whois records for that netblock).

For what it's worth using the following syntax when sending to can force the robot's view:


Will force the robot to only look at the networks within the tags (case is sensitive) Submitting ranges over /16 with this method will result in ticket rejection. rDNS will be scanned in all cases, rDNS is cached locally for a minimum of 48 hours, so if you are rejected because some rDNS appears dynamic, you will need to get a human to manually rescan or approve for delisting, or wait 48 hours for the cache to be ignored.

The cache is web viewable and publicly accessible, please email me offlist to if you want to know where the cache is.

I understand you get a lot of traffic to your ticket system, but I have
to wonder whether a system which is so complex and large that it is near
impossible to support and keep maintained accurately is actually still
useful.  I assume you love (to some degree) helping kill spammers, but
maybe you need to solicit (screened) volunteers to expand your staffing?

We do, and getting technically clueful people who are trustworthy seems to be an issue. We got hit by the 'trustworthy' aspect some time ago, and the clueful aspect is a regular problem.

I am hoping that the buy out by GFI will provide some paid 24x7 staff, obviously I cannot comment about where that is going any further, but we all know things take time Currently I am working full time on processing tickets as well as other duties in relation to improving all systems, but I actually need to stop answering tickets completely to complete those other systems... Those other systems will allow approved entities to access the SORBS database directly (and not just for DUHL requests) this system was devised in 2003, initially developed in 2004 and promised in 2005 however with everything that has happened to me in the last 4 years it has been delayed, delayed and delayed yet again. Patience seems to be the key for all concerned as there is currently only one of me.


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