No, what I'm saying is that the original text of the policy *BEFORE* I send my 
proposal to amend it was:

"majority" (not clarifying what is majority)

My proposal added the clarification that "majority" is understood as "over 50%".

The staff was already interpreting the policy like that, because usually when 
you say majority, you mean more than half. Do you agree on that?

The community decided that my proposal to add the explicit "footnote" to 
clarify "majority" is understood as more than 50%, agreed on that, so consensus 
was declared and the policy was amended to add that footnote.

Again, if you (or anyone) think this is wrong, you need to come to the LACNIC 
policy mailing list and discuss it there and even submit a policy proposal. I 
think I've provided sufficient clarifications here about that and responding 
again and again on the same will not be useful for the NANOG community.

El 22/1/21 12:41, "NANOG en nombre de Masataka Ohta" 
< en nombre de> escribió:

    Sorry to have sent uneditted text.


    > First think to clarify: In the Spanish version, the text is (mayoría)
    > "majority" (that's why I said the translation as mainly, to me -not a
    > native English-, is wrong).

    I'm afraid you have already stated:

     > *“Mainly” is understood to mean more than 50%.

    So, do you mean "majority" can mean 50% or 40% according to your

     > Note also that the original text, before my policy proposal already
     > said the same, but didn't stated if majority is 50% or what, but in
     > general majority is well interpreted as more than half, right?

    Are you, now, saying unreasonable request of "50%" is the requirement
    and "40%" is not enough?

                                        Masataka Ohta

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