We still build when needed. We're in the process of building to 700 new
apartments so we can provide them with free service. We're actually
pulling 576 strands into the basement of one building to backhaul each
apartment to it's own switch port in the new hut we just deployed to
service that new development. (we don't use a PON system. Everyone has
a dedicated switch port.) Also, keep in mind that this isn't all we
do. This is a very small part of a much bigger pie. So I agree with
you. If this was it then it would make no sense. When you look at all
the pieces together it makes perfect sense.
On 12/28/2020 1:50 PM, Baldur Norddahl wrote:
I applaud your commitment to helping your local community. Just want
to point out that this is a charity because it does not scale. Nobody
could build out a FTTH network and make it free as a business case.
But there are plenty of people that made a network for their neighbors
and provided that for free. Maybe a person had a commercial fiber to
his home and thought he could just as well share it. This might be on
a bigger scale but it is the same.
On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 8:27 PM Aaron Wendel
<aa...@wholesaleinternet.net <mailto:aa...@wholesaleinternet.net>> wrote:
Our business support and residential support is the same
department. I
have to pay those people to be in the office either way so it doesn't
cost me any "more" to provide support for the residences. Yes,
Grandma through getting her email can sometimes be a chore but that
person is on the payroll whether he/she is helping Grandma or sitting
there chatting with his/her co-worker. If we dumped all the
customers we would still have the same cost structure we do now.
Again, it's been free for the last 7 years at this point. I've never
been one to really do what I "should" anyway.
On 12/28/2020 11:48 AM, Darin Steffl wrote:
> Aaron,
> The "Free" service doesn't cover your cost of support which is much
> higher for residential than any business customer. Our residential
> customers call at least 15x more often compared to business
> compared on a 1:1 ratio.
> I honestly can't fathom providing free residential service
because we
> make enough money on the business side of things. You should be
> charging something, at least $20-30 per month.
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 11:15 AM Aaron Wendel
> <aa...@wholesaleinternet.net
<mailto:aa...@wholesaleinternet.net>>> wrote:
> The $300 covers the equipment and the time to send someone
out to a
> house to install it. If $300 is too much you can pay in 12
> installments
> of $25.
> The TIK alone costs us about $250.
> Aaron
> On 12/27/2020 5:04 AM, Mark Tinka wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 12/26/20 20:48, Darin Steffl wrote:
> >
> >> Aaron,
> >>
> >> One simple question. Why on earth would you offer free
> >> service? How and why? Your site show 1 Gig symmetrical
for free
> when
> >> you should be a minimum of $65 per month to be competitive.
> >
> > They also ask for no monthly fee after a single payment of
> >
> > Considering the 2Gbps package costs US$49.95, you'd guess
> value
> > the 1Gbps service at, say US$27/month, give or take.
> >
> > So that US$300 provides a bit of coverage, perhaps 1 year,
in which
> > time they'd have likely upgraded the customer.
> >
> > Mark.
> --
> ================================================================
> Aaron Wendel
> Chief Technical Officer
> Wholesale Internet, Inc. (AS 32097)
> (816)550-9030
> http://www.wholesaleinternet.com
<http://www.wholesaleinternet.com <http://www.wholesaleinternet.com>>
> ================================================================
> --
> Darin Steffl
> Minnesota WiFi
> www.mnwifi.com <http://www.mnwifi.com> <http://www.mnwifi.com/
> 507-634-WiFi
> Like us on Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/minnesotawifi
Aaron Wendel
Chief Technical Officer
Wholesale Internet, Inc. (AS 32097)
http://www.wholesaleinternet.com <http://www.wholesaleinternet.com>
Aaron Wendel
Chief Technical Officer
Wholesale Internet, Inc. (AS 32097)