On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 07:46:34PM +0100, Gregor Zattler via Mutt-users wrote:
> * Sadeep Madurange <sad...@asciimx.com> [2024-10-27; 10:38 +08]:
> > In some lists, users send replies to the list address while cc-ing my
> > email address. So, I get two copies of the same email.
> >
> > Is there anything I can do so that I only receive/see one copy?
> since you use mutt you can, there is a setting for that:
> # Controls whether or not the "Mail-Followup-To:"  header  field
> # is  generated when sending mail.

As noted already, this solves the problem of handling replying to the
list yourself, but not the problem of someone replying to you directly
(unless their mailer honors your M-F-T header).

I will just make an aside here that I've made another time or two on the
list: this header is a draft that was never made an actual standard, and
is really only either generated by, or honored by, one or two other
clients aside from Mutt (none of them widely used).

And, the type of people most likely to reply-all and leave you copied
are probably the most likely to not be using those very niche clients.

On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 09:05:19AM +0100, Nicolas George wrote:
> Sirius via Mutt-users (12024-11-26):
> > You can tell people "do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list", and hope
> > that they follow the advise.

> Adding “Reply-To: $address_of_the_list” is a more reliable way of doing
> it. Most mailing-list software I know do it by default, and I have
> chosen to do it myself for those that do not.

The war is probably long over, and you're probably right that it's the
least annoying thing, especially for non-technical lists, but seeing
this brought me back to the days when I actually used mailing lists
routinely, and people posting this article was common:


One thing is that doing this does make it more difficult for someone to
reply to you off-list should they want / need to.


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