On 27.10.24 10:38, Sadeep Madurange wrote:

> Hello,


> In some lists, users send replies to the list address while cc-ing my

> email address. So, I get two copies of the same email.


> Is there anything I can do so that I only receive/see one copy?

If you use procmail to sort incoming mail, then a simple solution is the 
two-part rule:

# Collapse duplicate messages, but

:0 Whc: msgid.lock                  # not your posts, BCCed for testing.

* !^From: Sadeep Madurange

| formail -D 8192 msgid.cache

# And save duplicates, in case of recipe

:0 a:                               # flaws below. (See man procmailex)


That has served me for some decades now. The only irritation is that the

direct CC almost always arrives first, so it is the list post which goes

to "duplicates". That can necessitate using e.g. the "List-Id:" rather

than "From" header line to also direct CCs to the list mailbox.


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