On mån, 2024/11/25 at 19:46:34 +0100, Gregor Zattler via Mutt-users wrote:
> Hi Sadeep,
> * Sadeep Madurange <sad...@asciimx.com> [2024-10-27; 10:38 +08]:
> > Hello,
> >
> > In some lists, users send replies to the list address while cc-ing my
> > email address. So, I get two copies of the same email.
> >
> > Is there anything I can do so that I only receive/see one copy?

About *receiving* two copies - not really. As when they write their
response, they send the mail to both you and the list, and you receive the
list mail in addition to the mail sent directly to you. That is not an
issue with Mutt (or any email client really).

You can tell people "do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list", and hope
that they follow the advise.

> since you use mutt you can, there is a
> setting for that:
> # set followup_to=yes
> # Type: boolean
> # Default: yes
> #
> # Controls whether or not the "Mail-Followup-To:"  header  field
> # is  generated when sending mail.  When set, Mutt will generate
> # this field when you are replying  to  a  known  mailing  list,
> # specified with the "subscribe" or "lists" commands.
> #
> # This  field  has two purposes.  First, preventing you from re‐
> # ceiving duplicate copies of replies to messages which you send
> # to mailing lists, and second, ensuring that you do get a reply
> # separately for any messages sent to known lists to  which  you
> # are not subscribed.
> #
> # The header will contain only the list's address for subscribed
> # lists, and both the list address and your  own  email  address
> # for unsubscribed lists.  Without this header, a group reply to
> # your message sent to a subscribed list will be  sent  to  both
> # the list and your address, resulting in two copies of the same
> # email for you.
> Since "yes" is the default, either you
> do not teach mutt which mailinglists you
> are subscribed to, or the mail user
> agent of the people answering is
> ignoring it (or the mailinglist software
> is throwing this header away).

Sound advise. In addition, if you view mails threaded, you can do "D~="
and it will delete all duplicate emails (in the folder you are in). This
is handy if you merge multiple lists into one folder where there may be
cross-posts between lists (very common in the linux kernel communities).

> Ciao; Gregor
> -- 
>  -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

Kind regards,


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