On 02Oct2020 16:57, Chris Green <c...@isbd.net> wrote:
>... by the way I just timed a 'du' on my main directory full of
>(maildir) directories:-
>    chris$ time du -sm *
>    real    0m0.109s
>    user    0m0.032s
>    sys     0m0.076s
>(and, no, I didn't cheat, that was a 'cold start' du, I hadn't just
>run one before)
>Even *copying* the whole of my 1.5Gb mail hierarchy takes only 8

Looks like your filesystem is superior to mine. Mine's MacOS apfs, I 
presume yours is a good Linux fs of some kind. I'd be surprised if the 
SSD hardware were very relevant (other than being an SSD, that is).

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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