On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 08:29:22PM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> > That's most likely a "last edited" date. Adding flags or labels to a
> > message would have reset that time as well. These directories were last
> > edited on the date you created them, so not much is going to change
> > that. You'd want access time, but that isn't reliable anyways (see
> > relatime and noatime mount options) because it makes reads potentially
> > very expensive writes to update atimes all the way up the tree.

Whether you'd want mtime or atime (last modified time, last access
time) is perhaps debatable... One tells you when you (or more
accurately, *something*) looked at the file (e.g. read your mail), the
other tells you when it was last updated (e.g. mail was delivered

> > > This is by no means a show stopper, I'm going to stay with maildir,
> > > but it woud be nice to be able to improve it a bit.
> > 
> > I'd recommend using a "maildir browser" which knows how to interpret the
> > information you're looking for (and which mutt is very good at).
> > 
> ?? I'm a bit lost here, you recommend a "maildir browser" and say "...
> which mutt is very good at", so is mutt a maildir browser?

Translation: The file browser is for files (and directories, which are
also files, albeit special ones) and tells you information that is
generally useful for file-things.  For mail, use the message index
and/or the sidebar.  Most directories *are not* mail folders, and
therefore attempting to display information useful for mail folders on
directories in the file browser is the Wrong Thing™.  Mutt could
perhaps special-case the ones it knows (via configuration) are mail
folders, but main purpose of showing directories in the file browser
is to navigate them, and I suspect most users rarely look at most of
the info on directories in the file browser for that reason... So that
still seems like the Wrong Thing™ to me.

[The fact that no one seems to have noticed/reported the file size bug
for at least a year seems to support that, too...]

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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