Quoting Chris Green from 02 Oct (a Friday in 2020) at 1657 hours...
> ... by the way I just timed a 'du' on my main directory full of
> (maildir) directories:-
>     chris$ time du -sm *
>     real    0m0.109s
>     user    0m0.032s
>     sys     0m0.076s
> (and, no, I didn't cheat, that was a 'cold start' du, I hadn't just
> run one before)
> Even *copying* the whole of my 1.5Gb mail hierarchy takes only 8
> seconds.

To provide a second datapoint here (list of my mail storage hoarding not

36661   total
du -smc .??*  1.42s user 27.85s system 28% cpu 1:42.13 total                   

...that's running on a VM which nfs mounts $HOME from the host machine,
and is RAID6 backed on spinning rust.

That said, this is academic to me as I never use the in-mutt browser anyway.
mutt's startup time is effectively zero, so I have a quick and dirty wrapper
shell script which tells me the mail folders with new messages (via a fast
`find` command (provided below) provides that info, along with how many are
new), and it then starts mutt with the folder of choice. When finished I quit
mutt and am returned to a refreshed folder list automatically :) 

        find ~/Maildir -name tmp -prune -o -name cur -prune \
            -o -path *archive -prune \
            -o -path \*/new/\* \
            -not -name \*:\*T\* -not -name \.\* \
            -type f -printf '%h\n' | sed -e 's,.*/Maildir/\(.*\)/new,\1,g' \
            | uniq -c | sort -gr
(this should work on both .dot.seperated.sub.folders and
slash/seperated/sub/folders, and runs fast enough that a version that 
simply `| wc -l` is part of my tmux status line)


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                                                    earth native

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