On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 05:02:08PM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> However there is a minor downside in the file browser (well directory
> browser really isn't it), the information shown against the
> directories (at the bottom level these are maildir mailboxes) is
> pretty useless, what I am seeing now is like the following:-
>      selling/                         Sep 25 12:39     0K
>      shopping/                        Sep 25 12:39     0K
>      software/                        Sep 25 12:39     0K
>      telecoms/                        Sep 25 12:39     0K
> No size information and the date is just the date of creation of the
> parent directory, not the latest message.  With mbox you get a 'last
> message' date and a meaningful size.

They may be maildirs, but in the file browser they are directories,
for the purpose of navigating the file system.  In that context, the
fact that they are maildirs is not relevant:  In the context of
browsing files, you want info about the files, which is what Mutt
gives you.  This is somewhat configurable (see the manual about
folder_format), but it's not going to give you any info about the mail
that's in those directories... Wrong context.

There IS size info, although it's wrong...  That appears to be a bug
introduced some time after 1.9.4, which I have lying around, that has
it right.  I also have 1.12.2 where it is wrong, so... somewhere in

However the size of a directory is very likely not what you think it
is, and is not particularly useful to you.  On Unix systems, at least
for most file systems, the size of a directory is the space occupied
by the blocks needed to hold the internal representation of the
listing of the directory... NOT the size of the contents of the
directory.  The size increases with the number of files in the
directory (but not their size), and it is a multiple of the disk block
size, so it's almost always (exactly) 1K, 4K, 8K, 16K, or an exact
multiple thereof...

Mutt could, in theory, get the size of the contents of the directory
for you... but in order to do that it would need to do the equivalent
BROWSING, which is prohibitively expensive, no matter what hardware
you are on.  If you had that feature, I'm fairly positive you would
turn it off immediately.  I don't think any sane maintainer would
commit a patch for that...

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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