On Tue, Aug 04, 2020 at 12:26:01AM +0300, Leho Kraav wrote:
> One of the replies mentioned something about "tasteful" or similar. For
> me, mail is not a fashion statement, it needs to get work done, so not
> giving that taste argument much weight.
> [...]
> Other than that, haven't seen a any legit alternatives or arguments to
> convert this want into "OK I really don't need it after all".

A legit alternative... I mean, the index view has the date, which can
be formatted pretty flexibly, and sorted on.  If you want to know what
e-mails you received in the last two days, sort by newest first, and
then you just need to know what day it is, and have sufficient working
knowledge of how dates work to know what the day before today is...

Basically the same thing for 30 days, but as a rough equivalent, stop
scrolling when you get to the same date last month, i.e. if today is
July 1, then stop at June 1.

If for some reason that is not enough for you, you can use Mutt's
search or limit feature to only show you messages that are less than
2/30/however many days old.  I forget exactly how it works because
I've never found the feature useful, but I know it's there...

And that is why I said having a visual divider is a distasteful waste
of space.  It has nothing to do with fashion--it has everything to do
with efficient function.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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