On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 16:23:03 -0400, Logan Rathbone wrote:
> Another way of potentially achieving this may be to think outside the 
> box -- or outside the index, in this case.
> Why not set up the MTA to deliver mail into a mailbox called "Today" and 
> set up a daily cronjob to do further sorting of the mail into different 
> mailboxes by date?  This won't allow for separators in the index view, 
> but will allow OP to view these groups of dates in the mailbox view.

Alternatively, if you are accessing the mailboxes via IMAP, the server
software may have a fancier mechanism.  For example, Dovecot has virtual


Evolution, n.:
  A hypothetical process whereby infinitely improbable events occur with
  alarming frequency, order arises from chaos, and no one is given credit.

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