On 20200803, Remco Rijnders wrote:
Note that I am not passing judgement on your need for this functionality, but if it is an absolute requirement/deal breaker for you, then mutt might not be the tool to use here.
I haven't been following this very deeply, but have two ideas. One: My $date_format is "%Y%m%d" and I put that in the $index_format as "%d". It's easy enough to see where the date changes. Two: Fake it with a cron job which throws in dummy messages for the dates desired, with fake headers to show dashes: From: -------------------- Subject: ----------------- The cron job would fire off at midnight and either delete the old dummies and create new ones, or adjust the existing dummies in place. Both of these assume the sort order is by date. -- ... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._. Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman & wood chipper / fe...@crowfix.com GPG = E987 4493 C860 246C 3B1E 6477 7838 76E9 182E 8151 ITAR license #4933 I've found a solution to Fermat's Last Theorem but I see I've run out of room o