On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 05:08:25PM -0400, Josef 'Jeff' Sipek wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 16:23:03 -0400, Logan Rathbone wrote:
> ...
> > Another way of potentially achieving this may be to think outside the 
> > box -- or outside the index, in this case.
> > 
> > Why not set up the MTA to deliver mail into a mailbox called "Today" and 
> > set up a daily cronjob to do further sorting of the mail into different 
> > mailboxes by date?  This won't allow for separators in the index view, 
> > but will allow OP to view these groups of dates in the mailbox view.
> Alternatively, if you are accessing the mailboxes via IMAP, the server
> software may have a fancier mechanism.  For example, Dovecot has virtual
> folders.

I'm on Dovecot, and am already taking full advantage of virtual folders.

My virtual inbox is actually a "last 2 days" view, but I would *still*
like to have a segmentation "Today", "Yesterday", etc within this mail index 

I also have a "last 30 days" folder, where segmentation would be even more 

One of the replies mentioned something about "tasteful" or similar. For
me, mail is not a fashion statement, it needs to get work done, so not
giving that taste argument much weight.

Thus far, it seems like it's simply a technically difficult goal.

Other than that, haven't seen a any legit alternatives or arguments to
convert this want into "OK I really don't need it after all".

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