On Tue, Aug 04, 2020 at 12:26:01AM +0300, Leho Kraav wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 05:08:25PM -0400, Josef 'Jeff' Sipek wrote:

> > Alternatively, if you are accessing the mailboxes via IMAP, the server
> > software may have a fancier mechanism.  For example, Dovecot has virtual
> > folders.
> I'm on Dovecot, and am already taking full advantage of virtual folders.
> My virtual inbox is actually a "last 2 days" view, but I would *still*
> like to have a segmentation "Today", "Yesterday", etc within this mail index 
> screen.

Mutt also has the limit feature.

I know you're not interested in more comments from people saying that
this is not a feature they want to see in Mutt, but I think that what
you're asking for really isn't something that makes a lot of sense for
Mutt or how most Mutt users work.


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