On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 06:45:47PM +0200, Wim wrote:
> On Sun, 15.05.16, at 03:27, Bob Holtzman wrote:
> > Unfortunately that revealed another
> > problem. When encrypting a test message, sending it, then going into the
> > outbox and trying to decrypt it, it throws an error about the passphrase
> > being invalid. A search turned up nothing applicable.
> Was the email addressed to a third party? If so, it would have been
> encrypted to their private key - hence you couldn't open the email in
> your outbox. Try sending a test email to yourself and decprypting it.

Thanks for the reply.

That's what I always do.

I'll check out your link when I get some time.

I have just about come to the conclusion that this isn't a mutt problem
but a gpg problem.


Bob Holtzman
A man is a man who will fight with a sword or
conquer Mt. Everest in snow. But the bravest of all
owns a '34 Ford and tries for six thousand in low.

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