On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 10:15:25PM +0200, Wim wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 12.05.16, at 14:28, Bob Holtzman wrote:
> > In my plain vanilla setup "p" in the compose window prints out "set
> > pgp_encrypt = yes" in the headers although that's not set in  ~/.muttrc.
> > No gpg/pgp menu appears at the bottom of the window.  
> No idea what's wrong there.
> > Mutt -v shows "--enable-gpgme" but adding "set crypt_use_gpgme = yes" to
> > the ~/.muttrc file has no effect. 
> > 
> > Thanks for the effort. Any other ideas?
> No, not really. And libgpgme11 is installed? At the moment I've only got
> the "set crypt_use_gpgme = yes" setting in my .muttrc (I'm experimenting 
> GnuPG with settings) but everything seems to work. Maybe it's your 
> .gnupg/gnu.conf configuration thats needs to be reconfigured?

After much screwing around I ran across the solution. I had been
entering "p" in the compose window too early. After composing the
message and hitting "escape" then ":wq" I hit "p" in the next window,
the one where you normally enter "y" to send the message. Lo and behold
the encryption menu appeared. Unfortunately that revealed another
problem. When encrypting a test message, sending it, then going into the
outbox and trying to decrypt it, it throws an error about the passphrase
being invalid. A search turned up nothing applicable.

I'm at a loss to know where to start trying to troubleshoot this. 
Any ideas?    

Bob Holtzman
A man is a man who will fight with a sword or
conquer Mt. Everest in snow. But the bravest of all
owns a '34 Ford and tries for six thousand in low.

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