
On Thu, 12.05.16, at 14:28, Bob Holtzman wrote:
> In my plain vanilla setup "p" in the compose window prints out "set
> pgp_encrypt = yes" in the headers although that's not set in  ~/.muttrc.
> No gpg/pgp menu appears at the bottom of the window.  

No idea what's wrong there.

> Mutt -v shows "--enable-gpgme" but adding "set crypt_use_gpgme = yes" to
> the ~/.muttrc file has no effect. 
> Thanks for the effort. Any other ideas?
No, not really. And libgpgme11 is installed? At the moment I've only got
the "set crypt_use_gpgme = yes" setting in my .muttrc (I'm experimenting 
GnuPG with settings) but everything seems to work. Maybe it's your 
.gnupg/gnu.conf configuration thats needs to be reconfigured?

All the best 
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