Hi Bob, On Mon, 09.05.16, at 18:36, Bob Holtzman wrote: > According to the help file "p" invokes encryption options. When I try it > I get nothing. in my config the 'p' works in the 'Compose' menu to access the encryption options. The 'Compose' menu is where you've got 'y' to send and 'a' to add an attachment, etc. While in the 'Compose' menu hitting '?' should show you the key bindings in case you rebound the encryption options key. > > set pgp_verify_sig=yes > set pgp_use_gpg_agent = yes > set pgp_auto_decode = yes > > in my ~/.muttrc file. Of them, only verify_sig functions. > > I used to invoke the gpg menu at the bottom of the > window with one key stroke, not "p"(?), but my memory, among other things, > is failing due to age, and I can't recall it. At the time I had nothing > more referring to gpg in my ~/.muttrc file. > > I'm running mutt 1.5.23-3 and gpg 1.4.18-7 in debian 8.4 > > Any pointers appreciated. There's more information on Mutt, GnuPG interaction here: https://dev.mutt.org/trac/wiki/MuttGuide/UseGPG
As an alternative if your Mutt has been compiled with gpgme (try the command 'mutt -v' and if you see a line like '--enable-gpgme' and gpgme is installed - its gpgme in Fedora/RHEL/CentOS, libgpgme11 in Debian) then you can replace 'set pgp this and that' with 'set crypt_use_gpgme = yes' and encryption should work. > All the best Wim -- |\ _,,,---,,_ ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' '---''(_/--' `-'\_)