On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 10:10:13PM +0200, Wim wrote: > Hi Bob, > On Mon, 09.05.16, at 18:36, Bob Holtzman wrote: > > > According to the help file "p" invokes encryption options. When I try it > > I get nothing. > in my config the 'p' works in the 'Compose' menu to access the > encryption options. The 'Compose' menu is where you've got 'y' to send > and 'a' to add an attachment, etc. While in the 'Compose' menu hitting > '?' should show you the key bindings in case you rebound the encryption > options key.
In my plain vanilla setup "p" in the compose window prints out "set pgp_encrypt = yes" in the headers although that's not set in ~/.muttrc. No gpg/pgp menu appears at the bottom of the window. > > > > set pgp_verify_sig=yes > > set pgp_use_gpg_agent = yes > > set pgp_auto_decode = yes > > > > in my ~/.muttrc file. Of them, only verify_sig functions. > > > > I used to invoke the gpg menu at the bottom of the > > window with one key stroke, not "p"(?), but my memory, among other things, > > is failing due to age, and I can't recall it. At the time I had nothing > > more referring to gpg in my ~/.muttrc file. > > > > I'm running mutt 1.5.23-3 and gpg 1.4.18-7 in debian 8.4 > > > > Any pointers appreciated. > There's more information on Mutt, GnuPG interaction here: > https://dev.mutt.org/trac/wiki/MuttGuide/UseGPG > > As an alternative if your Mutt has been compiled with gpgme (try the command > 'mutt > -v' and if you see a line like '--enable-gpgme' and gpgme is installed - > its gpgme in Fedora/RHEL/CentOS, libgpgme11 in Debian) then you can replace > 'set pgp this and that' with 'set crypt_use_gpgme = yes' and encryption > should work. Mutt -v shows "--enable-gpgme" but adding "set crypt_use_gpgme = yes" to the ~/.muttrc file has no effect. Thanks for the effort. Any other ideas? -- Bob Holtzman A man is a man who will fight with a sword or conquer Mt. Everest in snow. But the bravest of all owns a '34 Ford and tries for six thousand in low.