* s. keeling <keel...@nucleus.com>:
> Incoming from Patrick Ben Koetter:
> > * s. keeling <keel...@nucleus.com>:
> > > 
> > > Roger that.  The mortals I know think email's old-school/obsolete.
> > > They consider it hard to use, their inboxes are full of UCE (or
> > 
> > If you use http://automx.org setting up a new account is a matter of
> That looks cool, but you misunderstood me. *They consider email itself
> hard to use!*  I've been pointing some of my geeky friends at mutt for
> years, and even they don't get it.  How hard is it to check your
> mailbox once a day?  Apparently too hard for them.  mutt?  Rocket
> science!  mutt's always been drop dead simple and easy to train for
> me.  For other people, not so much.  No, I don't get it either.

mutt, like vi and other command line programs, have an invisible user
interface. One needs to internalize the interface in order to use it
efficiently. If takes lots of time to learn such an interface and to become
productive. Anyone who went that road knows the reward great. There's nothing
that distracts you. You can focus and all switches are within reach of a few
finger presses. No need to leave the keyboard and use your eyes to find the
right button. You think it and you can type it. No need to check with the

But it is hard to get there and I respect anyone unwilling to go that way.


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