Hei hei, 

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 02:00:41PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Agreed.  However Mailman has an option that is often (ab)used.
>   "Filter out duplicate messages to list members (if possible)"
> In which case if you are subscribed to the mailing list and someone
> posts to the mailing list and also either To: or Cc: your subscribed
> address then Mailman does not mail you a mailing list copy.  Argh!  I
> always uncheck that when I have control of a mailing list.  But others
> tend to check it.

We set this default yes (aka avoid) on all our mailing lists now.

> Obviously for you for mutt-users that isn't a problem since you
> control both but that is a problem on other lists.  I understand that
> and that is perfectly reasonable for that case.

This is exactly the problem: if you have unexperienced or uninterested
users you want them to have an easy user interface. Teaching them to
hit reply if they want to answer just to the poster and reply to all
for answering all (aka the list) is difficult enough, even though this
does not break with the thing you do with mail to multiple receivers
without mailinglists. If you don't have the "avoid box" checked in
mailman those people get duplicate messages and that's what you do not
want, because this ends in discussions about their MUAs and then you
are screwed anyway.


»With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, 
the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all 
irrevocably.« (Jean-Luc Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie)
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