Incoming from Jeremy Kitchen:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:55:15PM -0600, Derek Martin wrote:
> > > Responding to "list" mail *should* be to the "list" unless op has
> > > *specifically* requested direct mail.  All other action is illogical
> > > and inefficient.  
> > 
> > Here's where I disagree.  There have been many, many times when I
> and I like how mutt does this. You have MFT set to
> I hit 'g' and got that.
> If I'd hit 'r' instead, it would have gone straight to you.
> This is so freaking simple I don't understand why more MUAs don't


Face it; we're dinosaurs.  Understanding how it *ought* to work has
nothing to do with how it *does* work.  We need to learn to work
around "the morans" if we choose to continue using / communicating
this way.

Tilting at windmills just makes you look crazy.  It doesn't help anyone.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)                                                     :(){ :|:& };:
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