On Sat, Dec 01, 2012 at 02:12:03AM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2012-11-30, Jim Graham <spooky1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > announcement type list for the freeware hurricane tracker (JStrack)
> > It's a google groups list.

> If needed I can change the killfile rule so that it doesn't apply to a
> particular group

If you're using procmail, it's easy...just whitelist the group you want

> I live in Minnesota, I probably won't need to be running JStrack --

Yeah, probably not.  :-)   But it was just an example.

> Is the Google Groups WebUI the only way you can post to a google
> groups list?  You can't just send an e-mail to listn...@groups.google.com?

No, the web UI is not the only way.  Like I said, for the JStrack list,
and a homebrew club list before that (which died, as most would prefer
to just enter everyone's e-mail rather than send to a list...don't ask)
has/had the web UI turned off---the ONLY way being the e-mail option
(to listn...@groups.google.com).

> I think the Yahoo list server can be used by anybody (I guess you have
> to sign up for a Yahoo account, to do admin stuff).  They offer a web
> UI, but you don't actually have to use it -- you can subscribe to it
> using any e-mail address by using the usual sort of e-mail command and
> never have to touch the web UI if you don't want to.

Yahoo's list is handled by a listserv?  I thought it was just another
non-listserv excuse for a listserv.  Hmmmm.  Oh well, too late now,

Thanks for the info, anyways....

73 DE N5IAL (/4)          | "> There it was, right in the title bar:
spooky1...@gmail.com      |  > Microsoft Operations POS."
< Running Mac OS X Lion > | 
ICBM / Hurricane:         | "Never before has a TLA been so appropriately
   30.44406N 86.59909W    |  mis-parsed."         (alt.sysadmin.recovery)

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