* Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> [12-01-12 10:27]:
> On 2012-12-01, Patrick Shanahan <ptilopt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > * Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> [11-30-12 21:13]:
> >  ... 
> >> I think the Yahoo list server can be used by anybody (I guess you have
> >> to sign up for a Yahoo account, to do admin stuff).  They offer a web
> >> UI, but you don't actually have to use it -- you can subscribe to it
> >> using any e-mail address by using the usual sort of e-mail command and
> >> never have to touch the web UI if you don't want to.
> >
> > Yahoo now requires posting from a yahoo account via their smtp or
> > from their web service,
> Weird.  I posted to a Yahoo list two weeks ago by sending an e-mail
> via GMail's SMTP server.  At the time I didn't even have a Yahoo
> account. I have since created a Yahoo account so I could access the
> download files area for one of the lists, but I still don't use it to
> access the list.
> > since last year some time.  I have dropped all but one group, but
> > only read.  I refuse to use their web service.
> It must vary by list.

I am not explaining properly/sufficiently.  Yahoo *requires* your posting
addr matches your smtp.  Mine does not and I will not open *more* spam
floodgates.  I post via my isp using a gmail addr and my isp smtp.  It
does not match yahoo's req's as the posting addr and smtp do not match.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA      HOG # US1244711
http://wahoo.no-ip.org        Photo Album: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/gallery2
http://en.opensuse.org                           openSUSE Community Member
Registered Linux User #207535                    @ http://linuxcounter.net

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