On 02.12.12 08:54, Peter Davis wrote:
> In my view, no amount of argument or evidence is going to change the
> minds of anyone in this smaller group. That's fine. Within the domain of
> lists that discuss these classic tools, we should adhere to the
> practices of that community.

Eureka! That is what we ask. You can fit in, after all.

It is though, arrant nonsense to pretend that you offer "evidence", when
your immediately prior baseless assertion about the insularity of our
norms was presented without evidence, and immediately refuted by evidence
that they are common across many lists. 

It is worth understanding that the degenerate communication practices of
the inconsiderate masses are not improved or made less abhorrent by the
sheer numbers who fail to write for the benefit of their readers. It is
foolish to come to a list, declaring "Do it my way. I have hordes of
ugly friends outside, so I am the majority though I stand here alone."

Tolerance of your attempted imperialism has not been due to the
arguments having any merit, as much as cognizance of G.B. Shaw's words;

"Forgive him, for he believes that the customs of his tribe are the laws
of nature!"

Sorry, we're not buying what you're selling, though it was an amusing
bit of nonsense while it lasted. If you need help with mutt, we're here
to make suggestions. 


Gnothi seauton, the Ancient Greek aphorism "Know thyself", was inscribed in the
pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi according to the Greek  
periegetic (travelogue) writer Pausanias. The Suda, a tenth century encyclopedia
of Greek Knowledge, says it is a warning to pay no attention to the opinion of
the multitude.                                                    - Wikipedia

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