On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 04:12:03PM +0200, Harald Weis wrote:
>  > Following the FreeBSD Handbook, I use login classes set in /etc/login.conf.
>  > If I remember correctly, nothing else is required.
>  > me@pollux:~ % setenv |grep UTF
>  > LANG=en_US.UTF-8

This is not the best way to get this info, FWIW.  See below.

>  > No change whatsoever if I add in .cshrc the following lines.
>  > setenv LC_ALL  en_US.UTF-8
>  > setenv LC_CTYPE        en_US.UTF-8

You don't need to set these, if they're the same as LANG.  I suggest
you make sure they're not set, to make sure your environment is
working correctly.

>  > charset-hook ^unknown-8bit$ WINDOWS-1252
>  > charset-hook ^x-user-defined$ WINDOWS-1252
>  > charset-hook ^ISO-8859-1$ WINDOWS-1252
>  > charset-hook ^US-ASCII$ WINDOWS-1252
>  > charset-hook ^none$ WINDOWS-1252
>  > charset-hook ^ISO-8859-8-1$ ISO-8859-8
>  > charset-hook ^GB2312$ GB18030

It shouldn't matter, but for the next tests, try commenting these out.

>  > Output of mutt -v is:
>  > Mutt (2007-05-26)

As I've already suggested, at least if we don't get you fixed with
this version, you should really consider getting the latest (1.5.21)
and compiling from scratch.  It's not that hard, and it may contain
bug fixes that eliminate your issues.

Leaving this in for easy reference:

>  > System: FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE (i386) [using ncurses 5.7]
>  > Compile options:
>  > -DOMAIN
>  > -DEBUG
>  > -ISPELL
>  > SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail"
>  > MAILPATH="/var/mail"
>  > PKGDATADIR="/usr/local/share/mutt"
>  > SYSCONFDIR="/usr/local/etc"
>  > EXECSHELL="/bin/sh"
>  > To contact the developers, please mail to <mutt-...@mutt.org>.
>  > To report a bug, please use the flea(1) utility.
>  > 
>  > vvv.initials
>  > 1.3.28.nr.threadcomplete
>  > rr.compressed
> Does everybody think - when reading this message -
> that my case is hopeless ?

It's not hopeless, but it's hard to guess how to help you from here.
I know you may have answered some of these questions already, but it
might be helpful to get the answers to all of the following questions
in one place, to compare the different settings (and I've lost the
beginning of the thread).  So, if you still want help, please provide
the answers/output to all of the following:

What is the output of 'locale -a |grep "$LANG"' (without the single
quotes) on your system?

What is the output of 'locale' (without the single quotes) on your

What is the output of 'locale' FROM WITHIN MUTT (press '!' to ask mutt
for a shell prompt, then type locale<enter>)?

What terminal emulator are you using?

How do you start the terminal emulator you're running Mutt in (i.e. do
you start it manually from the command line, or are you clicking an
icon in your desktop environment)?

If the answer to the previous question was by clicking on an icon, did
you try starting your terminal emulator from the command line, where
you know your locale is set correctly?  (If not, do so.)

What font is your emulator using, and how is it configured/selected?

What is the output of 'ldd `which mutt`' on your system?

Can you resend a sample e-mail that doesn't display correctly in the
pager?  (I want to hex dump it to look at the raw bytes.)

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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