On Sun, Jul 01, 2012 at 04:59:51PM +0200, Harald Weis wrote:
> My muttrc sets editor to "joe".
> Mutt's built-in pager does not seem to understand utf-8.
> Example copied from a gnu-emacs mailing list:
> The first time is characterized with this system of equations:                
>   t₁ =  65536×h₁ + l₁                                                         
>   0 ≤ h₁ < 65536                                                              
>   0 ≤ l₁ < 65536                                                              
> The second time with this similar system:                                     
>   t₂ =  65536×h₂ + l₂                                                         
>   0 ≤ h₂ < 65536                                                              
>   0 ≤ l₂ < 65536
> Is this right?
 It seems well-formed, but using 'uncommon' glyphs.  In a tty I get
a lot of '?' (no glyph for this codepoint - there are only 512
available at most for console fonts), in a term I can see that they
are less-than-or-equal and small/subscript '1' and '2'.  Also a *lot*
of whitespace at the end of most lines! (I highlight redundant
whitespace in vim :)

 What I can't guess is what *you* are seeing which causes you to
query it ?

 I know that the list archive doesn't display it correctly, but that
is common for UTF-8 messages in archives.

 Also, I'm using 1.5.21, you seem to be using 1.4 - no idea if that
makes a difference.

ĸen [ ken, using what should look like a small russian or greek K
and with an o-umlaut or o-diaeresis in .sig ]
das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce

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