On Mon, Jul 02, 2012 at 10:42:39AM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
 > On Mon, Jul 02, 2012 at 05:09:21PM +0200, Harald Weis wrote:
 > > I assume if you paste the equations with a mouse to emacs, the
 > > subscripts would be displayed correctly.
 > >     
 > >  >  What I can't guess is what *you* are seeing which causes you to
 > >  > query it ?
 > > 
 > > I see character-size rectangles in place of the subscripts.
 > > Everything else is okay.
 > In a terminal emulator window, this usually means that the font you're
 > using has no glyph for the character (though, I believe as another
 > poster mentioned, on the console you'll see question marks instead).
 > Try using a more comlete font for whatever terminal you're using Mutt
 > in.  You're using xterm, I bet?  There's a mostly-complete Unicode
 > font maintained by the GNU people...  Try that.

Yes, mutt is running in xterm. The trouble is only in the pager where
all subscripts are replaced by character-size rectangles. If I reply
to the message I am in "joe" and everything is fine. That means
I _have_got_ the glyphs, haven't I?

 > >  >  Also, I'm using 1.5.21, you seem to be using 1.4 - no idea if that
 > >  > makes a difference.
 > > 
 > > mutt-                      <   needs updating (port has
 > > 
 > > That's all I could do on this FreeBSD system.
 > You should probably upgrade to 1.5.21, it has a lot of bug fixes and
 > enhancements over the 1.4 series.  You can always compile it from
 > source...

I do always compile. But the ports tree which is up-to-date has only . Not sure whether 1.5.21 will compile for me. 

Thanks to all of you,

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