The example works fine in my mutt.

You might find it's a result of your compile settings -- try "mutt -v"
to see them.  In particular, look for +HAVE_WC_FUNCS.  If you don't have
widechar funcs, try recompiling against (or finding a package which is
compiled against) ncursesw or slang.

Harald Weis (Sun, Jul 01, 2012 at 04:59:51PM +0200) >>
> My muttrc sets editor to "joe".
> Mutt's built-in pager does not seem to understand utf-8.
> Example copied from a gnu-emacs mailing list:
> The first time is characterized with this system of equations:                
>   t₁ =  65536×h₁ + l₁                                                         
>   0 ≤ h₁ < 65536                                                              
>   0 ≤ l₁ < 65536                                                              
> The second time with this similar system:                                     
>   t₂ =  65536×h₂ + l₂                                                         
>   0 ≤ h₂ < 65536                                                              
>   0 ≤ l₂ < 65536
> Is this right?
> -- 
> Harald Weis

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