++ 10/02/09 18:02 +0100 - Rocco Rutte:
>>  Please read the manual at http://www.mutt.org!
>> Then, when I try to reply to that message, this line is quoted like:
>>  >Please read the manual at
>> h_^Ht_^Ht_^Hp_^H:_^H/_^H/_^Hw_^Hw_^Hw_^H._^Hm_^Hu_^Ht_^Ht_^H._^Ho_^Hr_^Hg_^H!
>> Of course, this is not what I want. I don't really understand what does
>> introduce this magic. Anyone does?
> The second form of the URL looks like it contains ansi-escape sequences
> to control text attributes like bold text. Mutt can properly render this
> kind of text so the URL looks "normal." What you see in the editor is
> what it really looks like. If you got such URLs, there's nothing you can
> do about it.
> Just out of curiosity, who sends ansi-escaped URLs? Does this always
> happen (I hope not)?

Aah! That makes sense. Recently I have made quite a few changes to the 
configuration of mutt. Amongst them, fixing character set issues, change 
from local spool mailboxes to mailboxes accessed over imap and change 
the prefered order of rendered attachment types. 

I now suspect that last change to be the originator of this particular 
issue. For more details, see the thread "not all attachments shown in 
pager" of some time ago [1].

What has changed, is that I now prefer html over plain text attachments 
as some mailers (like Apple's Mail.app) do not include the same 
information in the plain text version as they do in the html version.

As for now, let me experiment with this. I will definately respond to 
this thread if the workaroudns mentioned in other postings do work for 

[1] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.mail.mutt.user/31766

Rejo Zenger . <r...@zenger.nl> . 0x75FC50F3 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>
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