On 23Feb2009 11:35, Rejo Zenger <mutt-us...@subs.krikkit.nl> wrote:
| ++ 10/02/09 09:48 -0800 - Gary Johnson:
| >message formatting (HTML?) to text.  There may be an option in the
| >program to inhibit that behavior, or you can find the program in
| >your mailcap file and add "| col -b" after it.
| The generic mailcap file in /etc/ told mutt to use html2text to use for 
| the conversion from html message parts to plain text only. One of the 
| options for this application is "-nobs":
| I now have overruled the generic text/html mailcap entry with a specific 
| one in ~/.mailcap, using the same line as in the generic file, but with 
| the addition of this particular option. This seems to do the trick.

I would point out that this is the same problem as discussed in this

   detect from mailcap whether called for view or reply
   Aron Griffis

Various workarounds are discussed there.

Essentially, it may well be nice to have html2text present URLs in
underscored form to get mutt to nicely highlight them for you.

The issue is that mutt runs the same display filter to present text to
its ANSI-aware screen display and to format text for inclusion in
message replies.

It would be nice to be able to distiniguish these two, maybe with a
"reply_format" which defaults to the value of "display_format".

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.
      --Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.

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