Hi there,

Of course, mutt is doing fine. Just recently, I changed the locale to be
used by mutt (I changed the charset setting) because the threads were
incorrectly rendered in the message listing. Since that change, or just
somewhere afterwards, replying to messages with URL's in the body has
become somewhat cumbersome.

The original message contains a line like:

  Please read the manual at http://www.mutt.org!

Then, when I try to reply to that message, this line is quoted like:

  >Please read the manual at

Of course, this is not what I want. I don't really understand what does
introduce this magic. Anyone does?

Possibly relevant settings in my mutt configuration:

set charset                     = utf-8
set escape                      = ~
set editor                      = 'vim -c "set tw=72 fo+=aw smartindent" +2'
set indent_string               = ">"
set use_8bitmime                = no

Anyone? Thanks in advance!

Rejo Zenger . <r...@zenger.nl> . 0x75FC50F3 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>
GPG encrypted e-mail prefered. 

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