Derek Martin wrote: 

> What's the value of send_charset?
It is:

Changing it manually to utf-8 only didn't change anything.

> Here's a clue:
> > ÄÄÄÄääääÖÖÖÖööööÜÜÜÜüüüüßßßß
> > Was lange g?rt wird endlich Wut.
> The third word in the second line contains a character which is not
> present in the character set used to encode this message, or it
> contains one which can not be translated to UTF-8.

This is bewildering. The first line of the quote is what I manually added to
the signature which is taken from my .signature file. I think i wrote that
file not with vim but with gedit. To be sure i deleted it and wrote it again
in vim and ran another test. The problem was gone. Then i reopened the
.signature file in gedit, changed something, saved it, tested again but the
problem did not reapear. 

So i havn't been able to reproduce the problem, still don't have a clou what
is really happening but for the moment there is no more problem. It is 

I will do some more thinking but meanwhile declare this issue as partly

Thanks again.


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