On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 08:18:37AM -0400, darren chamberlain wrote:
> * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-06 16:31]:
> > % 1.  Where do D (deleted) msgs go?  Is there an equivalent of
> > % trash, or am I truly out of the disneyland GUI world now and
> > % just like using rm on files, there's no going back.
> > 
> > With the stock version, that's the way it is.
> [-- snip --]
> > Other folks have in the past whipped up some macros that bind 'd' to
> > actually save to some other folder where you *then* really delete the
> > messages later.
> I have been using this setup for over a year, and it works great:
>   ## Delete messages to the trash can rather than bit-bucket, unless
>   ## we're in the trash folder.
>   folder-hook .       macro index d "<save-message>=trash<enter>"
>   folder-hook .       macro pager d "<save-message>=trash<enter>"
>   folder-hook .       macro pager D "<delete-message>"
>   folder-hook trash   macro index d "<delete-message>"
>   folder-hook trash   macro pager d "<delete-message>"
>   # When we go into to the trash folder, tag stuff greater than 14
>   # days old.  Don't mark anything that's already flagged, though.
>   folder-hook trash  push 'D~r>14d!~F\n'
> Thus, in all folders except trash, 'd' moves the message to the trash
> folder, and 'D' deletes it for real, when I'm viewing the message (in
> the index, 'D' still maps to delete-pattern).  Every few days or so, I
> go into the trash folder to clean it out (I save 2 weeks worth of
> trash).  Hope that's helpful.

Wow!  This is great and "..helpful" is a bit of an understatement.
And even better, I'm starting to understand some of this stuff (the
hooks), although I must admit the push statement will take some more
studying ...!

Thanks, Kevin

> (darren)
> -- 
> We can't all, and some of us don't. That's all there is to it.
>     -- Eeyore


Kevin Coyner
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