* Peter Gelbman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-08 01:54]:
> >   ## Delete messages to the trash can rather than bit-bucket, unless
> >   ## we're in the trash folder.
> >   folder-hook .       macro index d "<save-message>=trash<enter>"
> >   folder-hook .       macro pager d "<save-message>=trash<enter>"
> >   folder-hook .       macro pager D "<delete-message>"
> > 
> >   folder-hook trash   macro index d "<delete-message>"
> >   folder-hook trash   macro pager d "<delete-message>"
> > 
> >   # When we go into to the trash folder, tag stuff greater than 14
> >   # days old.  Don't mark anything that's already flagged, though.
> >   folder-hook trash  push 'D~r>14d!~F\n'
> Thanks for the tip. I've used almost the same setup for a while, but
> yours is cleaner. I'd like to use the "push" thing but when I go into
> my trash folder it get a:
> Key is not bound.  Press '?' for help.
> Running
> Running  1.3.28i under Solaris 8
> Where can I find out more about the push command to tweak it to my own
> tastes? Thanx

The push command assumes that your bindings are the same as mine.  I've
been meaning to modify it for a while to:

  folder-hook trash push '<delete-pattern>~r>14d!~F<cr>'

Which doesn't assume anything about bindings.


Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.

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