* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-06 16:31]:
> % 1.  Where do D (deleted) msgs go?  Is there an equivalent of
> % trash, or am I truly out of the disneyland GUI world now and
> % just like using rm on files, there's no going back.
> With the stock version, that's the way it is.

[-- snip --]

> Other folks have in the past whipped up some macros that bind 'd' to
> actually save to some other folder where you *then* really delete the
> messages later.

I have been using this setup for over a year, and it works great:

  ## Delete messages to the trash can rather than bit-bucket, unless
  ## we're in the trash folder.
  folder-hook .       macro index d "<save-message>=trash<enter>"
  folder-hook .       macro pager d "<save-message>=trash<enter>"
  folder-hook .       macro pager D "<delete-message>"

  folder-hook trash   macro index d "<delete-message>"
  folder-hook trash   macro pager d "<delete-message>"

  # When we go into to the trash folder, tag stuff greater than 14
  # days old.  Don't mark anything that's already flagged, though.
  folder-hook trash  push 'D~r>14d!~F\n'

Thus, in all folders except trash, 'd' moves the message to the trash
folder, and 'D' deletes it for real, when I'm viewing the message (in
the index, 'D' still maps to delete-pattern).  Every few days or so, I
go into the trash folder to clean it out (I save 2 weeks worth of
trash).  Hope that's helpful.


We can't all, and some of us don't. That's all there is to it.
    -- Eeyore

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