Kevin Coyner wrote:

> 1.  Where do D (deleted) msgs go?  Is there an equivalent of trash, or
> am I truly out of the disneyland GUI world now and just like using rm
> on files, there's no going back.

they go to the great bit-bucket in the sky.

you can use a macro (see the archives) to bind 'd' to save messages to a
folder, or better, you can apply cedric duval's excellent trash folder

speaking of which, is there a reason this isn't integrated into mutt?
while it may perhaps be true that real geeks mean "delete" when they say
"delete", this does seem like a feature that would be useful for a lot
of people.

> 2.  When I'm in the index mode with all mail listed and I've marked a
> bunch with D, is there a keystroke command that will flush out all of
> the D items so there's only N or O mail in there?

<sync-mailbox> (x by default, i believe).
> I've got fetchmail set up to fetch from all three.   But what I
> can't figure out is how I can, on the fly, select any one of 
> these accounts to be my From: and Reply-to: address.

one thing would be to set $alternates correctly and then set
$reverse_name so that you reply with the address the message was sent

you could also look at send-hooks, message-hooks, and folder-hooks.

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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