On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 09:37:12AM -0400, darren chamberlain wrote:
> * Kevin Coyner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-07 09:28]:
> > Many thanks for the patch.  I'll give it a try, but have to learn how
> > to apply them first.  I've graduated from windoze to linux rpms to now
> > being comfortable with compiling source, but haven't tried the patch
> > route yet.  Got to read up on it first.
> In this case, the patch can be applied, from within the mutt source
> directory, like so:
>   $ patch -p1 < patch-1.3.27.ds.askfrom.txt
> For patch, the -p# tells patch how many directory levels to remove from
> the filenames.  If you read through the patch file, you can see that it
> references files as "mutt-1.3.27/init.h" and "mutt-1.3.27/send.c", which

Question:  If I've installed Mutt-1.4i, do I need to go into the patch
source and change all references to "mutt-1.3.27" so that they read
"mutt-1.4i" instead?

> is to say 1 directory and then a filename, so patch has to strip off 1
> level of directories to file the name of the file to patch.
> (darren)

As always, many thanks.  This group is great.

> -- 
> All men are mortal.
> Socrates was mortal.
> Therefore, all men are Socrates.
>     -- Woody Allen


Kevin Coyner
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