Shawn --

...and then Shawn McMahon said...
% This one time, at band camp, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
% > 
% > Not for list-reply.  The important thing to make this command work is
% > letting mutt know which mails are from lists, using the 'subscribe' and
% > 'lists' commands.
% Bleargh.  What a pain in the ass.  Most of my mailing lists identify

Well, it gets better than that; mutt can decide what to do based on
whether you're subscribed to the list or not, so you have to have both

% themselves with non-standard but commonly-used headers, and you'd think
% it could at least intuit a mailing list and prompt, even with the ones
% that don't, with a few exceptions.

So, since lists are so easy to recognize, have a script that generates
mailing list names from your directories and put something like

  subscribe `/my/cool/lists/ -s`
  lists `/my/cool/lists/ -l`

into your muttrc.  Post it when you get it done, too, so that the rest of
us can see how easy it is; we're all slaving away with lines like

  subscribe mutt-users empeg ice-bucket
  lists gnupg-users remind-fans suse-security

in our config files.

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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