* Shawn McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-15 10:17:37 -0500]: > This one time, at band camp, Dave Pearson wrote: > > > Perhaps I'm missing something here but I don't use <list-reply> to tell > > mutt that an email is from a mailing list, I use <list-reply> to tell > > mutt that I want to respond to the list it was from (instead of to the > > author of the email, or whatever). > > Uh huh. And we're discussing making Mutt handle that without you having to > put two statements in the config file for every list you're on, just for > the ones that are too hard to figure out programmatically.
Ok, I see. My apologies, I'd not quite seen that twist (or, rather, I had but had got the wrong end of the stick). I've seen people complain, elsewhere, about having to maintain their lists and subscribe lists. Personally I've not really had much of a problem with it. What sorts of problems do people encounter in this regard? All I've ever been told so far is "it's a hassle". > I maintain that a sufficient percentage of them are NOT too hard to figure > out that it's worth doing. mutt needs a built-in lisp interpreter. ;> -- Dave Pearson: | mutt.octet.filter - autoview octet-streams http://www.davep.org/ | mutt.vcard.filter - autoview simple vcards Mutt: | muttrc2html - muttrc -> HTML utility http://www.davep.org/mutt/ | muttrc.sl - Jed muttrc mode