14-Mar-02 at 13:55, Sven Guckes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> > > > Mail-Followup-To: Simon White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > > >         Mutt User List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > this is a closed list, isn't it?
> > Don't follow... what am I doing wrong?
> well, you have to be subscribed to the list
> to be able to send to it.  so I know that
> when I reply to the list you'll get a copy.
> So this Mail-Followup-To seems redundant.

Well, I didn't add it deliberately. Can I set up a keymapping to Reply to the
mailing list, rather than hitting "g" and manually pruning the headers where

*checks manual*

Ahh yes there is. L (list-reply). Or whatever you map it to in your muttrcs.

John Lennon:--v [Simon White. vim/mutt/Linux. [EMAIL PROTECTED] GIMPS: 39.85%] 
Sometimes we sit and read other people's interpretations of our lyrics
and think, 'Hey, that's pretty good.' If we liked it, we would keep our
mouths shut and just accept the credit as if it was what we meant all along.

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