14-Mar-02 at 12:20, Shawn McMahon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> This one time, at band camp, Simon White wrote:
> > 
> > Ahh yes there is. L (list-reply). Or whatever you map it to in your muttrcs.
> > Cool.
> Except it doesn't work with any mailing list I've tried.

I just hit SHIFT-L and this resulted: a reply to the Mailing list only. 

I notice you're running whereas I have 1.3.27 which makes a big
difference, no doubt.

John Lennon:--v [Simon White. vim/mutt/Linux. [EMAIL PROTECTED] GIMPS: 40.12%] 
Sometimes we sit and read other people's interpretations of our lyrics
and think, 'Hey, that's pretty good.' If we liked it, we would keep our
mouths shut and just accept the credit as if it was what we meant all along.

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