
* Brian Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-12-07 07:03]:
>One thing I wish Mutt had, that The Bat! has, is a template system. In
>other words:
>Hi %UCFirst="%OFromFName",
>On %OLongDate, %OFromFName wrote:
>That used "macros" (not really the same as Mutt macros). But then again,
>using external editors and all, I have no idea on that one. I just think
>it's a nice feature (the built-in macro list is huge, but darned useful).
>That kind of thing saves one a lot of time.
>I'll bet this can already be done in Mutt, right?
Your editor can. Well, I'm sure mine can.

Nichts ist schwerer und erfordert mehr Charakter, als sich in offenem
Gegensatz zu seiner Zeit zu befinden und zu sagen: Nein!
        - Kurt Tucholsky

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