At 10:49 AM 12/6/2001 -0500, David T-G wrote:
>Hokay; I did the digging and it was noted here in mutt-users by Brian
>Salter-Duke on 2001-Aug-12 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>(and I will bounce you that message directly next).  It's a scheme called
>"Herbivore" and you can find info at

yep, I know about that one.  Turns out it was an interesting case of 
parallel development.  At the same time as I was working with Ben Laurie 
and Adam Back on hashcash details, herbrip was gestating.  I think the 
major failing of herbrip is that it invents yet another encryption 
format.  I'm hoping to use PGP/GPG directly in camram.

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