* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Dec 06. 2001 06:06]:

> % me wonder why the author(s) of Mutt didn't go ahead and add in support
> % for clear signing that's on par with its PGP/MIME ease of use.
> Well, it is; just set $pgp_create_traditional and you're now doing it the
> old way instead of the MIME way with no other changes.

Yep, but then I'm without PGP/MIME at all. Whew, *puke* :-)
> % > I have had wonderful success with the stock $pgp_create_traditional and
> % > the patch-supplied $pgp_outlook_compat settings; when both are "yes",
> % > even LookOut! users can read and reply to my signed mail.
> % 
> % I'd have to figure out how to patch a source deb and rebuild it. I've
> % never done that before, but..
> I think you got some other replies to this, but you could always just
> patch the source itself after you pull it down from ftp.mutt.org :-)

(See my replies higher in the thread today)

I set both of those (_outlook_compat and _create_traditional) and I'm good 
to go. I turned off my pgp procmail filter to make sure.
Thank you all for all of the help! :-)

 -Brian Clark

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